Discover the agenda at a glance

Save the date! 25-27 March, 2025 | Fira Valencia, Spain

eMobility World Congress 2024 is the largest European conference that provides the most relevant and influential platform for the future of eMobility, through sustainability and technology. Here, global experts will show how urban and micro-mobility have been integrated with urban transport systems through the last decades and how this revolution of new ways of transportation and the integration of them with smart cities through active systems with 5G technology and IoT sensors are reinventing our way to move in our cities or how to deliver our goods through revolutionary last mile solutions.
Furthermore, the congress will share with the visitor the evolution and “reinvention” of mobility methods like buses and trucks with new propulsion systems, railway and subway fasters and more efficient, ships and their integration with smart ports, and finally, airlines and aeronautics with drones or its net zero emissions travels, covering mobility systems from personal drones to the mobility out of our stratosphere.

*This program may change. Last updated 21 November, 2023.