Save the date! 25-27 March, 2025 | Fira Valencia, Spain

Challenges for a sustainable and efficient urban mobility: success stories

Wed 14 Feb | 12:00 - 12:40

Personal electric vehicles (PEV) have experienced an exponential growth in their presence in the urban space, backed by ambitious decarbonization plans. However, this mobility option is still far away from massive adoption. In this session we will discuss about the main challenges of PEVs with three key players at different levels of the vehicle value chain, and how they are working to solve them.

Xulei Xu Ben

Xulei Xu Ben


Next Electric Motors

Germán Agulló

Germán Agulló

CEO – Cofounde


Concha Siurana

Concha Siurana

Siurana, Innovation Manager SMOBERY

ITERA Engineering

Adrià Soriano Borreda

Adrià Soriano Borreda

Mobility, Logistics and Digital Transformation Manager